How to reset yourself for the semester

We’re already halfway through the semester, but I still don’t feel like I’m in the right mindset for school. If you’re like me, try these ways to hit reset on this semester.


Let go of last year

Make a list of all the things that still bother you about last year/semester and let them go. This is a good exercise if you feel like all the pent-up energy that you’re carrying around on your shoulders from last year is holding you back. Clearing your mind allows you to focus on the future!


Re-energize your body

Teaching yourself a new skill, whether it’s a sport, how to play a musical instrument, or how to paint, will help you to start fresh and find energy in the excitement of doing something new. Exercising once a day, even if it’s just walking around campus, is also a super way to give yourself an energy boost.


Pick up a new hobby

What better way to reset yourself than finding a new activity to enjoy when you’re feeling stressed or down?


Schedule me-time once a week

Mental health is important and should never be an afterthought—you need to take care of yourself before you can succeed in school and your other endeavors.


Get rid of old and unused clothes/possessions

Out with the old, in with the new! Finally getting rid of the clothes in your closet that don’t fit and other things you don’t use or need anymore will make getting ready in the morning much easier. It will also leave room for the new things you collect this year. Find good homes for all your gently used stuff.


Make a productivity playlist

A collection of songs that motivate is just what you need when you feel like you have too much on your plate and don’t have the energy to start doing any of it.


It’s never too late for some New Year’s resolutions

Try not starting with huge projects like, “going to the gym every day,” which are too difficult to jump right into. Instead, try a more approachable change in perspective like, “being more positive” or “doing tasks immediately instead of procrastinating.”


Dream board it

Take a moment to think about what projects you’d like to undertake this year—tangibly, internally, within school, a job or in your community. Instead of thinking along the lines of “to-do list,” think “where do I want to be/what kind of person do I want to be in a year’s time?”