Hobbies can take many forms, all with different levels of involvement. If you’re on a budget like me, though, you usually can’t shell out money for supplies. So activities like deep sea diving or recreational polo are likely not in the cards. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun and engaging hobbies like these:

I know what you’re thinking. All you do is read and write for school. How can that be enjoyable? You may hate the idea of doing either of these for pleasure, but both can be super-satisfying when they’re about something you’re interested in. You can read books on history, biographies, sci-fi, non-fiction, fiction… the list is endless. You can also try your hand at writing your own stories, or even keeping a journal of your daily life at Dal. These activities can be quite relaxing and therapeutic, which is always a plus.

If you have access to an oven and some basic ingredients, why not try your hand at baking? You can whip up cakes, muffins, cookies, tarts, bread and bread rolls, or even something fancy like macarons. Truly, you can make whatever you want to make in whatever flavour you like. My go-to recipes are chocolate chip cookies and banana chocolate chip muffins. If you have the ingredients and freezer space, you can even double the batches and freeze half of each. They both freeze and thaw amazingly!

With so many hiking trails in Nova Scotia, taking up this hobby is easy! Kearney Lake Trails and Hemlock Ravine Park are great choices that aren’t too far from Halifax, and Victoria Park is always amazing in Truro. But if you can make a drive, Blomidon Provincial Park and Cape Split are excellent, too. Just make sure that there's no hint of rain in the weather forecast, so you don’t get washed away like I did on both trails.

One of my personal favourites when I have some downtime is to knit. Knitting and crocheting let you create so many awesome things in a variety of colours, textures, and shapes. Getting started is easy—even for total beginners. There are tons of helpful books and YouTube videos ready for whenever you want to start. With one set of needles, a ball of yarn, and the simple knit stitch, you can make a scarf, a hat, a dishcloth, fingerless gloves, or even a headband. And the more you practice, the more possibilities open up.

Doing something fun and exciting all while making an impact? Sign me up! When you volunteer, you can gain so many new skills, meet so many new people, and see so many new places. All of this comes as a bonus to having a positive impact on your community, country, or even the world. Dal has so many great places like the Dalhousie Student Union Food Bank in the Student Union Building that would love to have you!

Yoga is another great hobby that's easy to start, and it keeps you fit and healthy to boot. It also has the benefit of being a great stress-reducer and mind-clearer. There are plenty of yoga workouts and session videos to follow along with on YouTube, as well as beginner videos to help you perfect your form. There are also always yoga classes happening at Dal both in Halifax and Truro. You can also find printable charts online that outline common routines like the sun salutation. Whatever way you begin your yoga journey, your mind and body will thank you.
What's your favourite hobby?