The Annual Rick Russell Woodsmen Competition is happening this Saturday, and as our lumberjacks sharpen their axes to get ready, it’s time for us to prepare to cheer them on. For those of you who are new to campus, this is a HUGE day in the Dal AC calendar. So here are five hacks to make the most of the day.
Dress for winter

Yes, Woodsmen is inside, but being in the MacMillan Show Centre is only slightly warmer than being outside. (Seriously, it can be nasty cold.) Layer up your Aggie gear and prepare for the elements!
Wear things you don’t mind being dirty forever

In the Fundy region we have that beautiful red dirt everywhere, including the MacMillan Show Centre. Trust me: even if you’re not on the arena floor, that dirt gets everywhere and stains everything. Avoid wearing light colours or anything that you don’t want turned red-brown.
Pro tip: Wear rubber boots so you can hose them down after.
Bring snacks and cash for the canteen

It’s a long day at Woodsmen and you’re not going to want to leave the action to get food and risk missing something good. Bring some filling snacks with you and some cash to buy lunch at the canteen.
Pro tip: Bring hot chocolate or coffee in a thermos to help keep your hands warm!
Don’t try it at home

After watching all the incredible events you’re going to want to go home and try starting a fire with nothing but flint or chopping a log while you stand on it. Personally, I get the urge to try out a chainsaw. But, as much as we may want to give it a go, don’t do it on your own. The best way is to get involved and join the Woodsmen team!
Have good fun

The Woodsmen Competition is a great day, so make sure you have a great time! But remember, too much of a good thing can end up being bad. So make sure you know your limits before going too far.
Have a great time!